Make a Compost Tea - wikiHow
>> Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How to Make a Compost Tea
from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
You have worked away at making some perfect compost. Here is a way to make it especially effective to help give plants a special boost or even to give them a quick-fix remedy when they're looking a little nutrient-deficient. Not a tea you want to drink but one that your plants will soak up greedily.
- Check that your compost is ready for use. You can also use partially-composted matter - reach down past the top of the compost to the moist warm stuff below and pull out a handful. This way you don't have to wait weeks or months before making use of your compost.
- Get a cloth bag and fill it up with your compost. Size of the bag should be small to medium - so that you can easily lift it when filled with compost.
- Soak the filled bag in a watering can, tub, barrel or other outdoor container for 1 - 3 days.
- The water should turn a dark chocolate color. Dilute it with new water to achieve a solution that is tea-colored.
- Pour on plants thirsty for a boost.
- You can re-use the compost tea-bag a few times.
- When the bag is no longer producing dark colored water, its nutrients are exhausted and you can tip the solids back into the garden.
A different method of making compost tea.
- Use the mixture on both indoor and outdoor plants.
- The mixture is suitable for potted plants, plants in garden beds and plants growing elsewhere.
- Saplings will also get a good boost from this mixture.
- Use non-chlorinated water or let it sit for a couple of days first.
- Aeration really helps. You can either hook up an aquarium pump with a hose or shake the container of water enough to produce a froth on the surface.
- None! The compost tea-bag is not toxic and anyone can do it.
- Well... you probably shouldn't drink the tea. Unless you like tea that tastes like compost!
Things You'll Need
- Compost ready for use
- Cloth bag (about library bag sized or under)
- Watering can or container for soaking bag in
Related wikiHows
- How to Compost Successfully & Safely
- How to Find Free Compost Ingredients
- How to Build a Compost Bin
- How to Make Your Own Worm Compost System
Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make a Compost Tea. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
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